An old man and his magic arts

The story is told of an old man, who died over 150 years ago, who used to go around our mountains practising magic arts. For example, he would sharpen knives and razors without using a grindstone, but simply running his thumb and forefinger along the cutting edge. He could thread a needle in absolute darkness. He ordered bells to ring without anyone pushing them.
One day, down by the Riaccio spring that marks the border with the province of Modena, he met some workmen from Civago who were trying to move an enormous rock to take it to the bank and make an embankment. No matter how they tried, they would never have succeeded because the stone was not only enormous, but also firmly sunk into the ground.
Evening was falling and, discouraged, they were packing up to go home. The magician approached and spoke to them, saying: leave the stone alone, you will never manage to move it. Go home, the women are waiting for you. Tomorrow morning the stone will be where you want it to be.
One of them, half-serious and half-joking, asked the old man, who are you that you can command a greater strength than all of us together? The old man replied, “That does not concern you, but tomorrow you will know who I really am”. Next day, at the agreed time, the great rock was on the bank, expertly positioned. After that day, no trace of the old man was ever found.


The trasures of the Amorotto Tower

The Amorotto Tower has its legends too. There has always been talk of an ancient treasure buried at its foot. But woe betide anyone who attempted to take possession of it. Once, for a bet, two bold young men from Romita decided to try. One dark night they began to dig with pick and shovel. They thought they were getting on quite well when a huge bituminous flame burst out of the hole, covering them with an infernal coating and forcing them to flee in haste.
They wandered long over the neighbouring hillsides, crying and getting lost. They were found next morning, lying stunned on the ground, black as pitch and speechless. Some time later, when they were able to express themselves, they said that the devil had attacked them and pursued them for the whole of that fateful night.
There is another story told about the Amorotto Tower: on nights when there is a full moon, when the valley below seems as bright as day and the river flowing through sparkles like a strip of mercury, a huge billy-goat wanders through the ruins. Some say they have seen it on various occasions and that the animal stands guard over the famous treasure.


The phantom bell-tower

It is said that the bells of the old Hospice of S. Leonardo del Dolo sank along with the building due to evil spirits.
Now, when it is Christmas and everything is quiet and covered with snow, people passing at night can hear faint vibrations from under the ground, like the intermittent sound of mysterious bronze bells.